Monday, February 28, 2011


school life: OMG!!! homework blambak gile...cikgu bagi homework tk agak2..especially for BM...
tk siap lagi yang before nie da bg yang lain..kesimpulannya..makin banyak homework makin malas lah aku nk buat...hahahahha
sejak2 slalu je rse pnat even tk buat pape...da lah rse penat pening lagi...mmg mcm nk pecah lah kpala...
this year is the final year in school...SPM...hmmm..really not ready for that...
currently thinking on how I should study...pikir je tapi x buat pun...hahaha
bila time cuti..of coz lah tido lagi penting dr homework..hahaha(sori cikgu!)


1. Say to your teacher that you were too busy to resolve the global warming problem
2. Your Cat is heartbroken for giving her kittens to her boyfriend and u need to chill her down..
3. Someone come to your house and borrowed ur stationaries and never return it back..
5. You were allergic to papers
6. You always FACE the BOOK and forget about anything else
7. Your cat ate your homeworks.. and then that cat died so u have to do a funeral
8.My other neighbourhood caught on fire and you helped.. but end up on the hospital
9.My hand is shaking when i hold a pen or pencil
10.I'm too lazy to think the answers
(sori tk mintak izin..hehe:))

love life: rse cm kte da x rapat lagi...everytime i call him he will said"nanti b call balek..b tgh maen game lah"
GAME? if games is much more important than me why do you need me for? is it just to cover your wound after being i kinda know why she left you...grrrr...
rase mcm nak buat spying lh kat siapa je yang boleh harap nk spy dye...kwn2 dye sume same je..mestilah nk back up dye nanti..hmmm...

health : mate saket!!!bengkak sblh kanan...mama ckp kne gigit dgn lipas...hello...kat bilik I x de lipas ok!!
dear right eye..tolong lh cepat baik...

bye bloggers!!

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