Wednesday, August 3, 2011


penat gile puase thn nie...even baru 3 hari.. ;(
due ari rehat kat rumah on  the first and second day of puase rse cm x nk g skola je on the third day..haha
mmg mlas gile la arn nk grak g mndi after sahur pagi tadi..
kat skola tadi pun mcm da x de smagat nk blaja..
lbeh2 lagi waktu fzk..mmg ngantuk gile + penat...
cuace pulak x cm nk panas plak arn..naseb baek waktu balek tadi hujan..
membuatkan daku terlena sebentar...haha..ayt x leh bla...

pape pn sbnarnye post kali nie nk ckap psl MUSLIM AHMAD!!!
my new lover..haha..sdang semua tgh kecoh psl KFCM ttp memandang pada MUSLIM..hehe :)
tapi  dye da berpunye...sdih2 :'(  rse still together x taw la...
lagipun ade gamba girl dye jugak..nmpk ayu je..chomel je ngn muslim..

inilah wanita yg bertuah tu...sdih nye tgk dyeorg together...i pn nk join jgk..hahahahahaha
tapi..seperti biase la kan...sejak2 pemain bola nie da fofular...girl dyeorg pn kene la tempiasnye arn..
dikatekan di suatu blog bahawa FB girl dye nie da diactivate sbb dikecam hebat oleh fans muslim..
smpi ade anti-fan page...kesiannye...
kalo2 korang sdih sgt pn sbb dye ade girl..x yah la nk smpi ade anti-fan page ue...kalo korang buat bnde tu pn bknnye Muslim lagi bertmbh suke kat korang..appeeee laaaaahhhh....
one more thing..bole x korang jgn kacau hubungan personal dyeorg..biarkan jela dyeorg hidup dengan aman sentosa dlm dunia dyeorg sendiri..(emo sebab aq pn girl Muslim jgk..haha..*berangan*)

next page:
tadi kat skola Syafiqah Aqilah Abdul Rahim bole pulak bawak keratan akhbar psl KFCM dgn tunang dye..x psal2 kecoh sekelas psl bnde ue...puase pn aktif jgk bdk2 pn termasok jgk sbnarnye.. :)
tetibe pulak ade ramai yang mengaku dyeorg lah punce mreka berdue nie putus tunang..haha
ade jugak yg nk hantar resume kat mak KF untuk jadi calon isteri.. (nie idea Atika Ayob dan Hadaina Hussein)..habes penohlah mail box rumah KF after nie..haha ;D
tapi....saya tetap suka kat MUSLIM!!!! (xde kene mengena)
waktu agama tadi x belajar..kita org spatutnye buat group perbincangan psl tokoh2 islam
tapi..seperti biase..lain plak jadinye...mmg lah group perbincangan tapi berbincang pasal KF and tunang sala..bekas tunang dye...smpi ade yg nk mengganas..hati2 ye rkn2..

tapi pape must goes on...kalo ade jodoh ade la kan....jodoh xkan ke mana...
jiwang la plak..
btw...'suami' x dtg skola tadi..sdih..smpi cde mood nk blaja td sbb x nmpk dye..huhu ;'(

Monday, August 1, 2011

Never trust a husband too far, nor a bachelor too near.

Trust everybody, but cut the cards. 

He who does not accept and respect those who want to reject life does not truly accept and respect life itself.

I respect orders but I respect myself too and I do not obey to foolish rules made especially to humiliate me.

Treating your adversary with respect is giving him an advantage to which he is not entitled. 

Laughter scares off lust

It is better to write of laughter than of tears, for laughter is the property of man.

To jealousy, nothing is more frightful than laughter

Our sympathy is cold to the relation of distant misery.